dialog_s-02_At The Railroad Station
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A: One second-class ticket to Bonn, please.
B: Round trip?
A: One way only. How much is it?
B: $10.25.
B: Do I have to reserve a seat?
B: No, sir, that is not necessary.
B: Where is the baggage room? I have to check a trunk.
B: It's right here to your right.
B: May I help you, sir?
B: Yes, I want to check a trunk. It is this one.
B: Do you want to check your suitcase, too?
B: No, I'll carry it.
B: Here is your check.
B: Do you know if the train is on time?
B: It's a few minutes late.
B: Thank you. I am going into the Waiting room.